Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Aaron Barretts Reflection
This shows that human rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are not so much enforced by the U.N during the time of the conflict. They may have trials later on and after but that doesn't help when it was at its worst. It doesn't stop the bloodshed fro happening. This Event relates to the holocaust so very much. The holocaust and what is happening in Darfur are alike because they are both being killed by people in their own countries. Also that they are being killed because of their ethnicity makes them alike.
This event denys the ideals of humanism. Obviously because people are being treated unfairly ll because of the ethnic backround. These people are not equal they are considered by those killing them that they are subhuman. In this case in particular you can obviously that humanism is not even a word in the Darfur region. They are treated below the Janjaweed and below the government. Humanism doesn't mean anything in the Darfur region of Sudan.
The leadership of Darfur is very poor and inconsiderate. Omar Hasan Al-Bashir is doing nothing. He and the government are really helping the Janjaweed slaughter the different ethnic groups in Darfur. I feel they could do so much more in helping the people that help them and vote for them. I am feeling a lot of sorrow for those who are being killed. But only my word can not change what is going on over there others have to contribute. What bothers me most is the U.N is supposed to solve these issues and stop the bloodshed but they aren't doing much at all.
In conclusion the Sudan conflict is a genocide.people are doing nothing to stop national sovereignty. It is presiding over human rights. That should not happen the U.N should step in and put a halt to it. I believe this event is inhumane. This should be thought about carefully and be helped out with to end this. Things like this shouldn't happen especially after the Holocaust.
Greg Roses Reflection
When reading one article I was infuriated to learn the United Nations response to the Genocide in Darfur, Sudan. The United Nations investigation into the genocidal claims in Darfur ended in reporting that “There was rape and mass murder but the genocidal intent was not present.” When I read this I felt that if the United Nations could not protect these people and do the job they were founded on doing than they have no purpose in this world and are just a group of annoying, corrupt politicians. I decided to run this Idea by some members of my Family and learned that they already shared this view. If the United Nations, The only political body with representatives from almost all the countries in the world did not act on this then who would? The United States of American could not act because the United Nations and other individual Governments provoke us for “Uncalled for actions of hostility toward our fellow man” then what else should we do? Say Stop doing that or else and give an obviously empty threat. Who is going to defend the innocent civilians caught up in a war between the Sudanese Government and the rebellious groups in Darfur?
Another reaction I had was feeling a sense of loss at the people who had died in Darfur. Some of them could have been important political figures or revolutionaries in fields of science, medicine, and the Arts. When these people were killed the vast majority were killed for crimes they hadn’t committed or would never commit. Most of the people who were killed in this country in Africa were Muslim too. If this kind of religious hatred is still tolerated who is to stop Japan to start burning their Christian population for practicing their ideals, Who is to stop the Indian Government from killing all non-Hindu population including the massive Muslim population in the North-West of the country. Why Doesn’t the United Nations Do something. I know the United Nations Is caught between a rock and a hard place here bun the right thing to do, which is what they were formed to do, would be to intervene in Sudan. This is almost the exact situation that occurred in Nazi Germany almost 70 years ago now, The Genocide of a large group of people in a short amount of time in a single country.
By Greg Rose
Joey LaPenta's Reflection
I think that more people should know about this disaster. The conflict in Darfur is not even on the news. There is no way any thing is going to get done if people don’t know about it. There should be more on the news, internet and radio talk shows. The more people who are educated on this conflict, the faster it is going to get done. I explained this to my 18 year old sister who finished her first year of college and she had no idea this happening. She asked me how this could happen in 2007. She also wondered why nobody is doing anything to help out.
A very disappointing thing is that the U.N is not doing anything. I have a cartoon that said “Peace will come when there are peacemakers” Then someone from the U.N said “Peacemakers will come when there is peace. It seems that U.N is waiting for something to happen. They are waiting for something to happen before they step in to do something about this problem. Finally is April 2007 there was a ceasefire. It was for 60 days. Finally there might a step taken to fix the problem. Even though the U.N is not doing anything, the civilian leaders are going to talk to the government and the Jangaweed. I hope something gets done.
The people of Sudan were forced to move out of their homes and into the desert. They had to start to build their houses out of garbage. The janjaweed would go steal what they could in their homes and then they would burn it down. They would constantly ruin what they built out of nothing. They struggle to survive, but they get kicked down right away. I have no idea how this could happen after the holocaust.
In my opinion I think that something needs to get done. While I was writing my reflection I heard on the news about Sudan. I know I said there was nothing on the news, but there was not before June 13, 2007. They said that there was a ceasefire fro 60 days. I was very happy. Now people will finally know what is happing and how cruel it is. They should start to put signs on the highways or commercials. This way it will get done.
Joey LaPenta
Spencer Callings Reflection
This incedent in Darfur tells me that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights isn't really being enforced and that it isn't a big deal if a country doesn't follow it. The UN is taking no action into this situation that is occuring right now. I think that they think that it doesn't matter that this genocide is going on becuase it is in Darfur, Sudan which nobody cares or knows about. This relates to the Holocaust becuase inocent people are being killed because they aren't following the group that has the power which in this case is the Janjaweed. Also the Janjaweed is killing of one race like the Holocaust which is known as a genocide. But I don't think that this event is close as how bad the Holocaust was but this new genocide can escalate to that.
This event is so far from Humanism. I don't think that the Sudan government knows what humanism is. The government is taking no part in this situation, they are actually making the genocide worse because they are giving the Janjaweed money to help them kill more inocent people. I don't know why the government would help the Janjaweed becuase they are just ruining their country and is giving them a lot of work. I think that this is the worst job that I have ever seen a government do this bad to let this happen and not even try to solve it.
This genocide makes me wonder and it gives me a lot of questions on what the government is thinking and why the Janjaweed would want to do such horrible things. I feel very bad for all the inocent people that are getting killed and having to live in such harsh conditions. I think that the people should try and get help from other countries or even nations to help them get rid of the Janjaweed and get everything normal. I can only imagine how bad it must be to live there because the people must always be on the look out for the Janjaweed and if they attack them they can't try and stop them or else they will get killed.
Overall, I think this whole situation needs to be more publicly known around the world. People and countries need to know about this so they can put an end to it. I am surprised that not one nation has done anything or even said anything. I think that this whole thing needs to be resovled very quickly before it gets even worse.
The biggest problem is that no one will step in and help these people. I think the UN need sto step in and do something to prevent this from happening again in the future. The people of sudan were evacuated into the desert and they were forced to live in garbage houses and terrible conditions to survive. The janjaweed were stealing money and taking goods that werent theirs to be taking.
I am very dissapointed that no action was taken to help out these inncoent people. I think that the UN needs to do something about this GENOCIDE before it gets even more out of hand, and to prevent these people from dieing. So far the number of deaths has reached a shockingly high, 400,000 people. Also about 2 million people have been subject to this crimal abuse. More and more people each day are suffering without the help of the united nations. In total, about 3 and a half million people would be dead if there wasnt any aid.
By reading these articles about the genocide, I learned that in Sudan the people have no say in anything. They have no idea why they are being forced out of there homes. Secondly, it shows that the people have no human rights what so ever. This event relates alot to the Holocaust because alot of people died because they were a different religion then the government and the janjaweed.
Lastly, to me it this shows alot of leadership expesically from the government and the janjaweed. I think it shows leadership because they could do whatever they wanted to the people and no one was there to stop them or to let them know what they were doing was bad and cruel. I feel bad for the people in Darfur because its not there fault they were born a different religion and now because of this they are being punished. The actions that the janjaweed and the government did to the people were not justified because the people were forced out of there homes and have to do everything they can to survive. This genocide has been going on for to long and its time for another nation to step in and do something about it.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Russo's Reflection
Another part of the problem is that no one is stepping in to try to stop the government, or not enough people are. I think that the UN needs to step in and do something and so does the US but i wouldnt want it to turn into another Iraq. Even though these are the top contenders to go in and help the citizens, I think there should also be a lot more people that need to help out the citizens but most of them dont have the Army size probably to do that. I also feel pretty terrible for the people that are going through this genocide and have to suffer for this stuff everyday. They dont have any homes anymore because the janjaweed is attacking them and taking all there stuff away to sell for money and other goods so that they can fund there terrible actions.
I am not entirely happy with the UN's actions because there not doing anything to help out the situation. There teh committee that is supposed to have stopped events that is just like the Holocaust. That is why they were established and there not doing there job right now. So basically there not doing what they were ment to do. I would suggest that they act quickly but I cant make that decision for them. The death total is very high and is continue to rise as we speak. So far there have been about 400,000 that have been killed and also more then 2million people have been kicked out or forced to move out of there homes because they were vurnt or invaded. They also say that there has been 3.5 million people that wouldnt be alive if it werent for aid. To me, thats pretty terrible.
My thought towards this situation is that there needs to be something done about it. To me there are many people that are trying to avoid the situiation which is not good at all. Also, the janjaweed are using airfare against the people. There shooting them if they try to defend there own homes. The Janjaeed are also leaving many people starving and dehydrated, not providing them with anything but taking it all away from them. The civilians are also trying to flea to other countries to try and get out of the torcher.
But there could be a good thing that is happening this year. Recently in April, they signed a seize fire agreement which will be in effect for 60 days. This is helping them try to make peace in the country between the goverment and janjaweed and between the civilians. I bielieve that this is a good start and that the whole world needs to start doing stuff like this a lot more to try and save these people from this terrible genocide. I bielieve that these problem can be solved and everyone needs to be a part in its solution.
Monday, June 11, 2007
kim lentz reflection
The Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights issued by the United Nations basicaly state that everyone is equal. Every continent has there own version of rights. We have the right to vote and the right to remain silent but we have rights to charge someone who commited a crime to send them to jail. Well in Sudan its alittle different. Today in our society we are spoiled we have ipods, laptops, clotheing stores, the list goes on but in Darfu,Sudan they have been reduced to almost absolutly nothing. The people there have either a itty bitty little hut or a blanket under a tree, barely enough food for themselves let alone there family and are tromitiezed by the day to day torcher of surrounding tribes and the government that go into their camps and slotter them, rape the woman and children, burn down their huts and basicaly make their lives a liveing hell. Its been 40 yrs or more that this has been going on and yet it is still hapening today and even tommorow and the next day. It is pretty clear that the Darfurians have no rights they have no power to stand up and say " hey leave me alone would ya" like we can. Also since we have better technology we can fight off those who are and become a threat to us, all they have there is maybe a tree branch they find along side them or maybe something small as a defence and fight for their lives or their families lives. The more and more information and pictures I find wile doing this project it makes me sick to my stomach knowing the pain and suffering these inocent people have to go through. Sure we always say that one person can make a difference but in order to stop them from getting attacked and not being able to fend for themselves, we need more than one persons help.
This event is very much related to the Holocaust of Nazi, Germany. In germany they thought of all Jewish civilians as "non Aribic" and not as equal to the others in germany. The jews who did absolutly nothing to have this brought onto them had been sent to consontration camps, killed and had their shops/businesses destroyed and they had to pick up the mess. In Darfur the people that live their just try to live life day to day. Wile doing this they have the fact in their head that other tribes from other countries of parts of Sudan can come at any point at any day and do what they please to those that live there. In Germany they would take familes and bring them to concontration camps and split them up, some would live and some would die. Those who were taken would never know what could happen to them within the next minute, the germans in charge could do what they pleased to them. The same goes for the darfurians. As we all know from learning in history that the Holocaust eventualy ended but if we take a look to the other part of the world, Darfur Sudan we see that it has not ended it is going even as im writeing this reflection. So I hope that if enough people can learn more about what is going on in the world today than we might be able to make a difference and save someones life.
The word Humanismn is definded as that all humans have individual matter, we all have our say on something and we all are supposed to be treated as equals. Even as this said no matter were you are in the world, no matter what continent, city or countary you can find that this is clearly not true at all. For example evn in my family we arnt treated as equals, my older sister and mom have alot more power and say than I do. Even in a continent as developed as the United States we are not equal. If this is the case for a wonderful place such as this than is there any hope for the rest of the world? What about those who have less than us, should they even try to survive and defend themselves? or shoudl they just give up knowing they have no chance? The darfurians wake up most likely in fear that they could die and and others in Sudan or Lybia or anyother surrounding country that even though they might be going through problems of their owns they might not be feering for their lives and others. Darfur is the perfect example showing that no one is equal, the sudan government and the Janjaweed clearly are way more powerful than the darfurians will ever be, thus they take advantage of it and show their power and take over tribe after tribe, not just darfuians and they do things to them that criminals here wouldnt even dream of. Wile looking for pictures for this project I came apon one picture that had a mother who was holding a child that was burned all over his body and brused. He was probibly only 1 or 2 yrs old, what harm can a todler do to you? Hostly people what good is the Sudan government and the Janjeweed getting out of this?
Even though we havent spent much time on this subject, I've gone through so much and saw so much that I know that this has to be stopped NOW! No one, absolutly no one should be treated this way its not right at all. If some kid is doing this project and doesnt care about the facts and doesnt take it all in then they should put themselves in the people who suffer shoe's. If that was happening to me or someone I knew than I dont know what i would do. I would be heartbroken and praying for those that lives had been taken and for those who suffer, I would most likey decide to have no loved ones with me like family or children so I can save them from this torcher. Honestly I would run for my life and flee as far away as i could or die trying if this was to be the life I was supposed to life than life Isnt worth liveing. If I had enough power than I would try so hard to stop this but it so far we dont know if it will ever stop. This isnt the only place in the world that had problems there is a never ending list of countries and problems that we cant fix, maybe someday like every miss america hopeful wants we will finaly have world peace, now that would be a life worth liveing for.
reflection by christine
The principle that all individuals matter is denied by what is going on in Darfur. The two principle rights of life and liberty is being ignored as thousands are being murdered. They have not committed any crime and are being killed and raped for just being a different "shade" of color. The Janjaweed and Sudanese government don't care at all about the non-Arabs at all. That is the same thing as the Holocaust where the Jews and gypsies were practically illegal aliens. If these people are not being given even the most basic human rights, then what do they have left to live for? They are not just animals that don't have any feelings or a brain.
The events happening in Africa have really opened my eyes to how "uncivilized" people really are. I can't believe that although the days of slavery and the Holocaust are over, that this horrible crime is still going on. I feel sorrow for the victims of this genocide and really wish I could do something to help out. Because the days here in the US are so great without much prejudice or racism, I thought that it was like that everywhere else too no matter how poor people are or how bad the living conditions are. We are so busy and greedy with our privileges that we think the world is at peace and that rumors we hear about mass killings are just rumors and nothing more. We pay too much attention to the events that are going on when the news of Darfur should be spreading around and making people want to help. The actions of the state is not justified even if they are denying that they have anything to do with this genocide. In reality though, even if they were not responsible, they should've done something by now to prevent this and maintain peace throughout their land.
I am amazed that this hasn't ended yet. I thought that the UN would've done something by now to get to the bottom of this and stop everything. Pressure on Sudan or any type of non-violent effort could've worked but it seems like they haven't been doing anything. More than half of the countries of this world are against this and therefore they should have a great amount of power to stop everything. They are the ones that issued the Declaration of Human Rights, yet they aren't inforcing it strongly enough. To me, I am starting to see some similarities between the UN and the League of Nations back during the World Wars. Just as the League did nothing to really try and prevent the Germans from taking over land, the UN is not using it's power to the fullest to stop this crime.
Honestly, I don't think it would really make a difference because everyone is being treated as their own individual and race and backgrounds are not getting in the way. We have gotten rid of slavery and are following all the laws, giving everyone their rights that they deserve. Even with all this, it would only be acceptable for the UN to step into our sovereignty if we were doing something wrong because right now, the citizens in the US have freedom and we are all content with who we are. We aren't afraid to become friends with different colors and to share materials with them anymore. However, if the UN were to step in and start to control our country and have every other country under one rule - somewhat as a large empire - then that would not be acceptable for everyone is different. Everyone has their own culture and beliefs so nothing could be enforced by one rule. We all have our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that should not be taken away.
Jasmine's reflection
During the Holocaust, Jews had all their rights taken away. They were first put in separate areas called gangs. After that they were taken out of their houses and put into labor camps. The Germans killed them and worked them until they were no longer able to work. During the Holocaust, 12 million people died and they weren’t even looked at as humans. They were called by numbers and were treated no better. In Darfur, the Sudanese government is taking innocent civilians out of their villages. Most have fled, the way some Jews did during the Holocaust. They civilians that don’t move fast enough or escape fast enough would get killed. These civilians are not treated as humans and definitely don’t have their human rights they deserve.
Humanism was the idea that all individuals matter. This conflict in Darfur definitely denies this idea. All the Darfur civilians do not matter to the Sudanese government or the Janjaweed. They are getting killed everyday because they mean nothing to the government. The Darfur civilians are not treated as humans, they are suffering each and everyday with new challenges and clearly they are not anything to the Janjaweed, the ones who kill them, and others. The idea that all individuals matter does not take place in Darfur.
This event makes me feel very angry. Innocent civilians that want to be treated like humans are getting killed everyday. The women are getting raped and the men are getting slaughtered in minutes. I feel very sorry for these victims who have to go through this with out much help. I also am very mad that the leaders are doing this to their own people. The government is taking away the rights of their own people and they don’t even feel awful. This makes me very mad that there are countries like this that put their own people in misery. I feel bad that these Darfur victims have to go through pain each and every day.
The peace keeping efforts by the U.N. in sovereign countries are acceptable to me. They are trying to end these unfair treatments that are happening in these countries. The only problem is that they are not trying hard enough. They investigate the problem but don't get into it to much. They Sudanese government is not planning to stop because the interigation is not strong enough. The effort of tring to make peace is good though. If the U.N. stepped into the sovereignty of the U.S. it wouldn't be acceptable because they aren't violating human rights. Our country is following the Declaration and it wouldn't be acceptable.
By: Jasmine Bajwa
Darfur is tragic all in it self. The goverment is ethnic cleansing the country so to speak. In one of the posts i saw a political cartoon of the country of sudan. you see blood pouring out. i guess that mean they are still doing this cleansing and it is half empty. I agree with what the person wrote about it in the caption. The political cartoon my group put up was very symblolistic also. It was with Uncle Sam just sitting around watching tv and watching a program about Darfur. He is saying that the one person should get on it and save Darfur. But he represents the usa as a whole. by looking at these and many more it made me relize that well we are very to have what we have and should help because if we dont this is going to spread to another place. then we'll have to help there and Darfur. What will we do if anything soon? Darfur is very unlucky because of what they go thru on a daily basis. Many are burned, shot, starved, and get many other cruel and unneeded punishments. Currently the UN is in darfur helping but im not sure alot. They are kinda helping but not much. they know its genocide but what can they do to help really. But they are at least trying to help. Otherwise they are only acusing Sudan Goverment of Genocide.Darfur is in Sudan as you may know or may not. the minorites are being killed to ethnic cleanse the country. Here are some or maybe all of the non-arabs that are tourchered every day. Acholi · Amri · Anuak · Andang · Atwot. I got this list at But i dint use all of them. I was surprised to see all of the groups listed. Even hitler didnt have that much. There was about 20-30 other groups. Prehaps some more groups. This surprised me because well who hates that many people/ groups. The anwser Sudanese goverment. I am mad because we are sitting here and just letting this happen in front of our faces. What if this was happing to America? Who would we call? We would get help cause we matter to others. Why doesnt Sudan matter? Dont they have allies? I am starting to understand the way america has always been, trying to stay out of foriegn affairs. The people of Darfur has lost all their rights to be we’ll human. They are suffering for something they never did.I now get that the goverment is responsible in every way for this crisis. Here are some people that are responsible. First the Jangaweed, they kill the people they are ordered to kill. Such as starving, tourchered, or shotable people. According to people rioted in the streets of Washington DC in 2006 about Darfur and what exacly is giong on. this also says that they are ignoring the genocide in Iraq but totaly flipping out about Darfur. Why is this so much worse? This is worse because we are not doing sqwat. Bush has given 188$ million dollors but he should be giving way more. I personaly think that these people are right and they are right to stand up for this. About 40% of Darfurs pop. is Christian. They have to flee to Chad to be safe from the Jangaweed from killing them. People are being killed trying to get water or just trying to get food. The Darfur goverment is directly responsible for the genocide and the 400,000 people already killed. The death rate may be up by now. The Sudanese government is second to only Iraq as a ground for what is called international terrorism. Why didn’t we see them marching, we only heard about it. The JEM is trying to help the people but are they trying hard enough?
why were darfurians killed?
By: Kim Lentz, Melissa B., Leah B., Merissa D.
why were darfurians killed?
By: Kim Lentz, Melissa B., Leah B., Merissa D.
In Nazi Germany, there were many laws that discrimated against the Jewish population. These laws were known as the Nuremberg Laws, which racially discrimated agains Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies, Communists, and many other groups Hitler, and the Nazi's disliked. To be accepted in Nazi Germany, you had to be an Aryan. This meant a German citizen had to have at least 3 or more gnerations back of not being Jewish. Also, the Germans used Eugenics to determine if a persons nose, or face was proportional for being German, or if they had the correct eye or hair color.
These two situations are happening in two different time periods, but are very much alike. In Darfur, the goverment belives that specific ethnic groups should not be accepted in society, as Hitler thought the Jews could not be accepted into society. As the Darfur conflict resumed in 2003, the battles got more firece and brutal, as did in Nazi Germany when they turned the labor camps into death camps. The government, non the less is associated with both of these horrible issues around the world, even if they don't admit it. In the Nuremberg Laws, there were many things that said they couldn't have such as: Jewish marriages, or that Jews couldn't express Germany's flag or colors ect. In the Darfur conflict the Sudanese goverment only ordered the Jajaweed milita to attack and displace many ethnic groups of the Darfur region, that the goverment didn't like.
by: Leah (Merissa D, Melissa B, and Kim L)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Darfur Genocide Reflection
I feel that the
Also, the fact that the genocide is still going on today makes it even worse. You would think that the U.N. and just people in general would have these types of problems under control and over with, but not in
The genocide in
The two major groups involved with the Darfur,
Darfur Genocide Reflection
The sad part about this conflict is that nobody is doing anything to stop it. The UN (United Nations) has known about this since 2003 and is still deciding on who should take action on it. This is one of the worst genocide, humanitarian disasters yet. The Sudan government is claiming National Sovereignty which is the right were county's make there own laws. So, this is were it comes down to, National Sovereignty or Human Rights. Which is more important? There is a significant amount of human rights being violated over in Sudan.
This situation relates to what happened in Germany with the Holocaust. A ethnic group like the Jews were targeted because they were not saw as a German citizen. In this case, various ethnic groups are being targeted in Sudan and either killed or starved to death. The Germans put the Jews into concentration camps where they were either killed or forced to work. These camps were in terrible condition and served just enough food to survive. Approximately 2.5 million people in Sudan were forced out of there homes and were sent to camps which were commonly made of sticks/wood and blankets.
One of the pictures our group posted was of a Sudanese man with a gun and bullets. Next to him was the country of Sudan half covered in blood. This picture gives a good idea of what is going on in Darfur. I see it as the Janjaweed have massacred Sudan and have accomplished what they were trying to do. Eliminate all ethnic minorities. Another picture was of the Janjaweed burning down a couple of huts in a village. To the right were the owners of the hut just standing and watching, not doing anything because they knew if they did the consequences would be worse than death. (torture). All these pictures made me think, how can a human being, be so cruel and unhuman?
I have not heard a lot about this conflict. I knew there was something going on in Sudan but I did now know that it has gotten this bad and no-one has done anything about it. Now that i have researched it I have a lot better understanding of the conflict. This needs to stop as soon as possible. I believe we should move our troops out of Iraq and focus on the situation in Darfur which as the UN put it, "the worst Humanitarian crisis in the world today".
Friday, June 8, 2007
Why were these people Killed?
Joey, Spencer, Nate, Russo and Greg R.
Who is involved in the Genocide?
Russo, Spence, Nate, Joe, Greg
When did this event accur? What was the result of this event?
This event in Darfur started in February 26, 2003, when a group calling its self the Darfur Liberation Front (DLF) publicly claimed credit for an attack on Golo, the headquarters Jebel Marra District. This was not the beginning of the genocide. Even before this, there were rebels that had attacked police stations, army outposts, and and military convoys. The rebels first attack was on an army post in the mountains in February 25, 2002.
These rebels had seized the town of Tine, which is located on the Chadian border, on March 25. the armys had already been sent down to the south. The rebels tactic was to hit and run so that the opponet would not be able to counter attack. The rebels soon found out that this was not good because the janjaweed and the government had bombarded them.
What was the result of this?
The rebels are still rebeling and the janjaweed are mowing them down by the hundreds. Most of Darfur is made up of the Muslims and most of these people have been evaquated or force to move into the desert, where they have to make homes from nothing. Most homes were made from garbage and other trash. All in all the death count is up to as much as 450,000 and rising each day.
Reflection by Kayla D.
If humanism was the idea that ALL individuals matter this terrible cause of genocide completely denys the principal. In the opinion of the Jangaweed and the Sudanese government the non-Arabs don't matter at all. This relates to the holocaust. According to Hitler and the Nazi's the people of different ethnic backgrounds, such as the Jewish or the gypsies, or the people that were considered non-German didn't matter at all. This says alot about Human Rights. What rights do humans really have if the government can claim sovereignty and take everything away from them?
When did this occur? What is the result?
Has there been a resolution? Is there justice to this Crime?
Many people are trying to stop it from a distance. Websites are available with forms that can be filled out as a petition. An example is Popular websites such as facebook also are helping in trying to make people more aware of what is going on. With information it is hoped that it will be put to a stop. Bands such as Green Day are writing songs such as "Working class heros" which help raise awarness. Also donations help support the people that are being harmed though they don't make the crimes stop. The money donated is put towards medical help and supplies for the victims that have been burned out of there villages.
Done By: Kayla Dowgiewicz, Christine Kim, Jasmine Bajwa.
Why did civilians got killed? How did they get killed?
Because of the damage, the local economy, markets, and trade in Darfur have been ruined. As a result, many are desperate for some form of food. In early 2005, the number of attacks decreased because most of the villages were already destroyed and many people left. However since August 2006, fighting has increased tremendously. There have been bombings by the Sudanese government in North Darfur and there have been more attacks on the civilians in West and South Darfur. There have been attacks on camps as well causing at least 300,000 refugees to be replaced into other camps. The reason these civilians are getting killed is awful and the way they are getting tortured is horrifying.
Ethnic Minorities in the Darfur Region Reflection
I feel sorry for all the ethnic minorities in the Darfur region on Sudan because no one deserves the utter cruelness. Innocent babies, women, men and children were either killed or were left to starve. If i was the president of Sudan i would do everything in my power to to stop the Janjaweed who are killing innocent people. These innocent people were thrown into refugee camps which was not healthy at all. The refugee camps were made out of sticks and dirty blankets, should innocent people who maybe are just a different ethnicity be treated like this? No, not at all.
It's very sad to see that National Sovereignty is more important that Human Rights because even though people are a different ethnicity or race than other people, Human Rights should still be the number 1 priority. The Janjaweed was trying to bring ethnic cleansing, but for what? There is no point of doing this because if they thought about it that if they were the ones who were the ethnic minority they would be killed, wouldn't they want to be spared? The things that are going through these peoples heads are amazing because its hard to think that someone could be so cruel.
The Darfur Region of Sudan Genocide is very similar to the Holocaust that took place in Germany and Poland. This is very similar because people who were Jews were not thought as a German citizen and were first put into ghettos which were in horrible condition and was overcrowded. Then, they were put into concentration camps and were either killed if they were weak or were worked like dogs.Now in the Sudan Genocide ethnic minorities were stripped from their home and killed or were sent into refugee camps which were in almost the same condition as the concentration camps. These people were rarely given food and some starved to death, the United Nations was made to stop these kind of things. But for some reason they made this go way to far, what happened?
Since 2003 ethnic minorities have been stripped from their home and taken to refugee camps. Recently it has been known that about 400.000 people have been killed and 2.5 million have been internally displaced. This is corruption because even though the Sudan Government denies helping these groups, there are facts that the Sudan Government is indeed helping these rebels. It is cruel for many reasons, women are raped in front of their loved ones, men are chained together and put into burning huts, and children are kidnapped from there family. This needs to be stopped now because kids there have no future, all they see is hate and death. My opinion is that instead of wasting time in Iraq, soldiers all across the world should be in the Darfur region of Sudan stopping as the UN put it " the worst Humanitarian crisis in the world today"
5w's of Darfur
Who? The groups involved with most of the damage done in Darfur are the Janjaweed militia group. Also the Sudanese military is involved along with the AMIS (African Union Mission in Sudan). Others that are involved are DLF (Darfur Liberation Front), IDP (Internally Displaced Person), JEM (Justice and Equality Movement), NRF (National Redemption Front), SLA (Sudan Liberation Army), SLM (Sudan Liberation Movement), SPLA (Sudan People's Liberation Army). Sudan's leader is Omar Hasan Al-Bashir and the rebel chief is John Garang other commanders are Ibrahim Khalil, Ahmed Diraige, and Minni Minniawi. Here is the list of minorities in Sudan: Acholi · Afitti · Amhara · Amri · Anuak · Andang · Atwot · Avukaya · Awlad Hassan · Awlad Mana · Azande · Bai · Baka · Banda · Bari · Batahin · Beja · Belanda Bor · Beta Israel · Burun · Bviri · Dar Sila Daju · Dasenach · Debri · Didinga · Dilling · Dinka · Dongotona · Donyiro · Dubasiyin · Dukpu · El Hugeirat · Eliri · Erenga · Fertit · Fezara · Fongoro · Fungor · Fur · Gaalin · Gawamaa · Gberi · Ghulfan · Gimma · Golo · Guhayna · Gule · Gulud · Gumuz · Habbania · Hamar · Hasania · Hawawir · Homa · Husseinat · Indri · Ingessana · Jumjum · Jur Moda · Kababish · Kadaru · Kadugli · Kakwa · Kaligi · Kanga · Kara · Karko · Katla · Kawahla · Keiga · Keiga Jirru · Kerarish · Kichepo · Kimr · Kineenawi · Koalib Nuba · Kreish · Krongo Nuba · Kuku · Kuraan · Lafofa · Lahawin · Lango · Laro · Liguai · Logo · Logol · Lokoja · Lopid · Lotuko · Lugbara · Lwo · Maalia · Maba · Madi · Manasir · Mangaya · Masalit · Mekan · Mesakin · Messiria · Midob · Molo · Mondari · Moro Nuba · Morokodo · Moru · Mundu · Murle · Narim · Ndogo · Ngulgule · Nubians · Nuer · Nyamusa · Nyimang · Olubo · Otoro Nuba · Pari · Rashaida · Rek · Rizeiqat · Rufaa · Sara Gambai · Sebei · Selim · Shaikia · Shatt · Sherifi · Shilluk · Shita · Shukria · Shuweihat · Shwai · Sillok · Sinyar · Sungor · Swahili · Tacho · Tagale · Tagbu · Talodi · Tama · Teda · Temein · Tenat · Tima · Tingal · Thuri · Tigray · Tigre · Tira · Tirma · Toposa · Tornasi · Tukam · Tulishi · Tumma · Tumtum · Tungur · Tunjur · Turkana · Turum · Uduk · Umm Heitan · Vidiri · Wada · Wali · Wallega · Werni · Wetawit · Yazeed · Yerwa Kanuri · Yulu · Zaghawa. The main groups that they are trying to eliminate are the Fur, Zaghawa, and Massaleit ethnic groups in Darfur.
What? Darfur is a region in the west of sudan. What is happening in Darfur is to most what they called genocide and ethnic clensing. The conflict is about the diversity of religion and ethnicity of the people of Darfur. The U.N estimate that 450,00 innocents have been killed by violence and diease. To us this is against Human Rights. As of now te U.N is suggesting a peacekeeping Corps to go into Darfur.
When? The Darfur Conflict in Sudan began in Febuary 2003, and shockingly enough, it is still going on to this day.
Where? This conflict is going on in the Darfur region of Sudan. Sudan is in the continent of Africa (Central Africa). People who are trying to escape the Janjaweed go to refugee camps the one in Chad has over 2.5 million refugees in its camp.
Why? Why are they targeting the Fur, Zaghawa, and Massaleit is because the SLM and the JEM accused the government of oppressing non-Arabs. Those groups were mainly made up of those ethnic groups therefore causing the government to kill and let the janjaweed kill them without stopping them.
Created By: Aaron B., Dan H., Pruthvi., Branden L.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Who was involved in the Sudan genocide? Was there a relation to the Nuremburg Trials?
The government isn’t admitting to any connections with the Janjaweed, or the group of people against the black Africans. On the other hand, the refuges said that their villages were attacked by the government aircrafts and the Janjaweed invaded with horses and camels. After the UN investigation team was sent into Sudan, the President Omar al-Bashir denied ever being involved with the Janjaweed. In fact he called them thieves and gangsters. But after strong interrogation pressure the government said they would disarm the Janjaweed though nothing has been done.
Unlike the Nuremburg laws that took away the rights of the Jews, here in Darfur, Sudan the Janjaweed and the government are just attacking the villages. There are no laws taking away their human rights instead their villages are getting destroyed. This takes away their human rights. The women are getting raped and get abducted. The men are getting slaughtered. Because of this they had to flee their villages. There were no laws made to violate their rights, instead the Sudanese government and other groups just took them.
Russy, Nate, Greg, Spencer Nate
By: Pruthvi, Dan, Aaron, and Branden
- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. An example of this right being violated in Sudan is that people are being treated un-equally and they are not treating other people the way they would like to be treated.
- Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the security of person. An example of this right being violated in Sudan is people are being killed left and right, and also, people are being starved to death beacuase of fammine.
- No one shall be subjected to tourture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.
- All are equal before the law, and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protect of the law.
- Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself, and of him example would be that they are not being taken care of and they are living in refugee camps made of sticks and blankets.
The picture to the left is just one example of the type of liveing the civilians of Darfur have. As you can see that they dont live in big houses like the modern people of today, they live in very tiny huts that they can barely fit in. This region doesnt have much money so the bulid their "huts" with cloth or whatever material they can find, along with sticks.
What to Darfur have to go through?