This is a child who was burned by members of the Sudan government. This is an example of what the civilians of Darfur have to go through on a daily basis. The small inocent child has numerous cuts and bruises and has been burned throught his tiny body. Telling by the picture you can tell that the small child is going through trumendous ageny and pain that kids his age here dont even come close to. This child did absoluty nothing to have this brought onto him. Why must more and more people of Darfur suffer like the child .
This is a direct result of what hardship and suffering that has happend years before and is still going on today. This child was purposly burnt by the goverment. Why would they do this?
Since he has cuts on his head he must had been hit with fire there. This has been going on ever since 2003. But this started to flare up in 1970's when rebel groups started to go against government. This child is one of many who were abused in one way or another. Such as starvation which many are exposed to every day. The children are starved to death as I mentioned before, burnt as above in the picture, or many other cruel uses of everyday things. If this continues Darfur will be gone and the "Ethnic Cleansing" would be complete. Women would be kidnapped by the Jangaweed and used as sex slaves. The children are starved and many die. Even though they have pots, pans, or blankets that is not much. We need to help them so the kid above in the picture or any other child that endures the abuse given every day will be able live with out being scared of dieing or living in complete fear. Would you want to live in fear as many must do every day? What do they think? They probably think am I going to die doing something I need to do to survive? If we don’t do anything about this then it will go on forever. And this could spread to another place then another. Leaders will think “ Well the Sudanese government did that so why cant I. USA didn’t try to help or even stop it. I think ill try this method.” We don’t need anything else like this happening again. It was bad enough with the whole Hitler going all power mad and killing 12 million people. What if it come to the USA? What will we do then? If we don’t want this to spread then we need to help the everyday victims of Darfur. Not for just them but everyone else in the world.
Melissa B. Merissa D. Leah B. Kim L.
This picture is a great, but sad picture at the same time. This picture shows all the suffering that the kids go thorugh everyday in Darfur. There are probably many more children getting burned like this daily and this is a terrible thing. its very hard for everyone to see little kids suffer like that.
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