Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Joey LaPenta's Reflection

When I pick this topic is disappointed because I have never dealt with Sudan. I heard about it when I was in seventh grade. We never went into a lot of detail, no I now why. I was very shocked that this happened. I am even more shocked that this is happening after what I learned from the holocaust. When I learned about the holocaust, I thought to my self that this could never happen in the 21st century. Before I assumed that the rest of the world was just like us, but there not. I could say that I am extremely spoiled compared to other parts of the world.

I think that more people should know about this disaster. The conflict in Darfur is not even on the news. There is no way any thing is going to get done if people don’t know about it. There should be more on the news, internet and radio talk shows. The more people who are educated on this conflict, the faster it is going to get done. I explained this to my 18 year old sister who finished her first year of college and she had no idea this happening. She asked me how this could happen in 2007. She also wondered why nobody is doing anything to help out.

A very disappointing thing is that the U.N is not doing anything. I have a cartoon that said “Peace will come when there are peacemakers” Then someone from the U.N said “Peacemakers will come when there is peace. It seems that U.N is waiting for something to happen. They are waiting for something to happen before they step in to do something about this problem. Finally is April 2007 there was a ceasefire. It was for 60 days. Finally there might a step taken to fix the problem. Even though the U.N is not doing anything, the civilian leaders are going to talk to the government and the Jangaweed. I hope something gets done.

The people of Sudan were forced to move out of their homes and into the desert. They had to start to build their houses out of garbage. The janjaweed would go steal what they could in their homes and then they would burn it down. They would constantly ruin what they built out of nothing. They struggle to survive, but they get kicked down right away. I have no idea how this could happen after the holocaust.

In my opinion I think that something needs to get done. While I was writing my reflection I heard on the news about Sudan. I know I said there was nothing on the news, but there was not before June 13, 2007. They said that there was a ceasefire fro 60 days. I was very happy. Now people will finally know what is happing and how cruel it is. They should start to put signs on the highways or commercials. This way it will get done.

Joey LaPenta

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