Monday, June 11, 2007

This comic picture is saying that nobody cares and is just procrastinating. Every one just wants someone else to take care and deal with it.


Russo said...

THis picture shows a good replication for the whole world and what there doing to stop the genocide which is absoulutely nothing. Even though they show the US in this picture, I think that the whole world needs to do something and not just rely on the US to do everything for them. We all need to step up and try to contribute to stopping this genocide.

Russo said...

THis picture shows a good replication for the whole world and what there doing to stop the genocide which is absoulutely nothing. Even though they show the US in this picture, I think that the whole world needs to do something and not just rely on the US to do everything for them. We all need to step up and try to contribute to stopping this genocide.